View Profile regulargabs
Put the lotion in the basket.

Gabriel Ochsenhofer @regulargabs

Age 37, Male

Games in both ways

Game Design

Brazil il il

Joined on 2/5/04

Exp Points:
1,880 / 2,180
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Vote Power:
5.56 votes
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I cannot wait!

yay. a 2nd one. that's really cool. 75 LEVELS? that would be even cooler. can't wait for it.

You've got some pretty slick physics programming in that game o yours. Grats, pal. gg

Aw you asked Luis to do gfx :( sad kenney

Make the achievements less time consuming. I mean seriously playing for 2 hours straigh? And that one where you leave the computer for 10 minutes is pretty dumb to. I would like a story for single player why are you getting the idols? Also there should be a option to change the idol into diffrent things like a tiny skeleton are a bowling pin.

Someone recommended the idol colours thing (which is a good idea in my opinion, I was just about to mention it) And how about a random block to add in a special challenge? That might be stretching it a little though. Or a sticky block where if you land on it, you're just stuck to it and you have to work to bring that particular one down?

How about a time block? Where you can click it, but then you have to complete the round in x time.

I had a good idea that I was gunna PM you, bu you already started makin' it! :P
I was gunna sugest that instead of getting the block down, you have to controll an Indiana-Jones-type-guy and climb upto it. You get like a grappling-hook and the blocks may break when you stand on them or dissappear every few seconds or something. Would be fun to play! :)

I'm looking forward to...


Toiiem Destroyer

Lol, I spelled that wrong. I get it. It should be Toiiem Destroyer.

I could've sworn my first comment said ToiiCm Destroyer. Glitchy bitch of a computer. Sorry for the inconvenience.

dude, maybe put more than one totem in some levels. :D

You need sticky blocks in which if the totem hits one of them he sticks too it and if he comes in contact with a second sticky block he sticks to that too

I bet you made some crazy money

Low gravity blocks? You wanted ideas so is that a good one?

heres a suggestion you should be able to make your own custom towers

wow that was fast...

AWESOME! i cant wait to play! im thinking that every day that this comes out! ooo i cant wait,and dont really make it THAT hard,just a pinch of hardness,and the different tots suggestion,not so much but still,kep it in :D,and maybe a rare block set block? like small little blocks packed into one big block,and when you click it,it splits in to little small blocks,mmm.maybe 4?and maybe a time block? yaknow,to make time stop for 10-5 seconds? i dunno,im just so hooked that i cant stop myself lol,hope the game is great! i wanna talk more cuz im so excited,but i wanna get off and play totem destroyer 1 lol ,ill maybe comment again soon! pls reply lol.

I really hope you add online multiplayer it would be a lot funner I loved the first totem destroyer.

umm did you give permission to submit totem destroyer to kongregate? because if not then its been stolen

hm I didn't. Can you PM me the link? I'd apreciate that.

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