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Gabriel Ochsenhofer @regulargabs

Age 37, Male

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1:1 Copy : Real World

Posted by regulargabs - February 12th, 2009

You know, when you take some interesting elements from many games, combine them and make a new thing out of it, it's ok. But when you take a game and change the graphics, remove the story, replace the song with an annoying elevator song AND releaser it as it's your own idea, then that's a ripoff.
And what am I talking about? The game "Real World" made and released by the so called "kooplayer.com". It's funny that they claim it's the sponsor, but it's their only game. And the copyrights belongs to the same guy who "made" the game.

I don't knowwwwww, it seeems thaat the game mechanics are a little toooo familiar... oh wait

Do I need to mention that Totem was released like a year before this?
Developer/sponsor site (the game page, please say hello to them)

1:1 Copy : Real World


Real World is better. at sucking. yay confusion.

lol, now that's tough.. i hate it when others steal people's hard work..

that's just ridicules.

It should be called "Destroyer Totem"

I got an idea: let's sue them

I cannot believe how clear a ripoff this is
but, i gotta say, the original is waayyy better
chances are, about a year from now, they'll release "real world 2" with UFO style blocks and all the stuff in the new totem destroyer
but it wont be nearly as good

That so fucking stupid. Their site sucks as well. I think we should find the fucker and beat his ass. Anyone in?

I'm in, I'll bring the guns > : ]

Here's another one: <a href="http://www.kongregate.com/games/logosogol/dui">http://www.kongregate.com/games/logos ogol/dui</a>

Oh well that one's kind of different

I wish someone would steal my games, thatd be cool

Can I steal the Duck Sim?

With all due respect i've played dozens of games where the objective is to remove blocks or balance things and whatnot and though the two games are indeed similar doesn't mean he looked at your project and said "One day, I shall steal this concept!"

It's not a very complex concept. Object A is to be kept off the ground, make it fun by making Object A on a pile of stuff. Use physics to make Object A more difficult to balance.

You can't expect that just because you made Totem Destroyer, that nobody else will come up with the idea.

You speak like you were the owner of "Real World", are you? :P
And btw, check the dates between the releases, and check the game mechanics, I'm not saying that ANY game involving falling blocks n physics is a ripoff. Just that THIS one in particular sure is.

MaestroRage is right, man. But your game still is far better and that's all that matters.

I know I have to respect all opinions as MaestroRage (and I was joking about he being the owner of that), but the funniest thing is that I wasn't the first one to point that game as a copy, I was told by my friends. And the game seems exactly the same, sabe objectives, same behaviors, everything in a crappy way, but everything. I don't know, I don't feel so pissed about it. But I did went mad when I saw it.

Wow the music in that one sucks.
I especially hate the noise of the blocks.

The game 'DUI' is really fun. Give it a look. sorry if i lost all respect ever from you

I don't think DUI is a ripoff.

Welcome to the internet, enjoy your visit.

If it makes you feel better, the ripoff is a bit poorly scripted; in the sense that if any blocks roll off the screen, you can't click/kill them and thous not continue to the next level, even if you got the guy down.

I understand what MaestroRage is saying, but this game is a ripoff. DUI is what MaestroRage is talking about, but Real World is rip off. The environment, the blocks all pretty similar. Hey, look on the bright side someone really enjoyed Totem and decided to recreate it.

sue them i say SUE THEM! and yea dui is good its different from totem destroyer but real world sucks and the creator must be some little idiotic kids

Yeah, I never mentioned DUI. I don't think DUI is a ripoff, some gameplay aspects are similar, but it's not a ripoff. But that's not the case of "Real World"

That would piss me off too man. Atleast your game is better. Imagine if his game was more successful than yours.

I say people playing this at school!
I was like, "Ah, playing a little Totem Destoyer I see"
Everyone looked at me like, wtf are you talking about?

I took a second glance, and was blown away by how a game can be copied so exactly that in a brief glimps I couldn't even tell them apart

I played some cannon game where you shoot cannonballs at castles. There was a complete and utter RIP OFF of this game done by some guy too, and it was literally the exact same game, just with terrible graphics. Seriously, it was the same game! All the buttons/interface/color scheme/characters/everything! was the same, just bad graphics.

But I believe it is possible this guy didn't steal your idea, there are a lot of similarities though. Who knows, any way your series is way more popular so I think his game will hurt you at all.


well i dont know but if theres a big difference of the time well lets say 1 day of difference it makes it obviously not a ripoff but 2 years (just an example >=( ) makes it obviously a ripoff just with some elements changed like the totem changed to a ermm cube?

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